Monday, April 26, 2010

Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking

Leave it to the Discovery Channel to play ball with the big boys. The network's most recent series Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking allows audiences to investigate the universe through the eyes of one of the smartest people in the world. Divided into three hour long segments, it will cover aliens, time travel and, well, everything else. So unless your Stephen Hawking himself, you'll probably come away learning something new.

The series has already garnered a relative amount of attention because of some of Hawking's comments, including his belief our world should not try and contact alien lifeforms that may treat us like a conquered colony. Of course even pro-alien audiences will appreciate hearing complex theories explained in a simpler manner (and with entertaining visuals to boot!).

Into the Universe has already been airing in the United States and will be premiering over in the UK early next month. So check your local listings to learn more!

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