Saturday, July 11, 2009

Michael Moore's Documentary Gets a Name... and Date

After branching out to cover Health Care, Gun Control and the Bush Administration's response to the September 11th Attacks, Michael Moore is returning to the subject that made him the darling of the liberal film viewer: capitalism. His latest film is officially titled Capitalism: A Love Story and hopes to strike a chord with recession weary audiences everywhere.

Much like his first film Roger and Me (which centered on GM), Moore will focus his sarcasm towards large corporate businesses that (as his documentary will most likely argue) led to the current economic situation. Moore tells the Associated Press, "It will be the perfect date movie... It's got it all — lust, passion, romance and 14,000 jobs being eliminated every day. It's a forbidden love, one that dare not speak its name. Heck, let's just say it: It's capitalism."

Capitalism: A Love Story is produced and distributed by Overture Films and is currently set to be released on October 2.

Chipotle embraces Food

In the biggest "huh?" move I've seen in months, it seems Chipotle is sponsoring a free viewing of Robert Kenner’s Food Inc. Now a review of this documentary will be posted shortly, but needless to say, it isn't exactly a film that praises the fast food industry. In fact, Food Inc specifically targets McDonalds (which owns Chipotle) in several of its attacks, so it’s shocking to see the company turn around and promote the film.

If you ask me, this is like the NRA sponsoring a viewing of Bowling for Columbine. I’m sure there is some reason for this madness, but even if it’s pure insanity, don’t let this opportunity to see Food Inc pass you by. After all, nothing beats activism like free activism.

See Chipotle’s website for the specific dates and times for the free viewings.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Errol Morris on Robert McNamara

The passing of Robert McNamara earlier today felt like the reopening of a long forgotten wound.  Something that had not been opened since Errol Morris' 2003 documentary Fog of War.  Much like the feelings surrounding the Oscar-award winning film, few people are willing to accept McNamara as a good, honest man.  He did, after all, engineer our country's entrance into the Vietnam War.

But Morris remembers McNamara in a little less hostile light then most.  After releasing Fog of War he held an interview with Brad Schreiber of Huffington Post.  In honor of McNamara, Schreiber has decided to repost the interview in an attempt to balance out the attacks that have reawakened since his death.  It's worth reading as it provides some valuable insight into the most hated man from the Kennedy administration.  But more importantly, if you haven't seen Morris' Fog of War, I highly recommend it.