Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spurlock talks Simpson's

It seems The Simpson's crew wants to turn their 20th anniversary into a big spectacle and what better way to do that then a feature length documentary! That's right, the Simpson's are getting the documentary treatment courtesy of the ever impressive Morgan Spurlock.

According to the press release, Spurlock says, “When they first called me about this, I thought it was a prank and I hung up...And then my agent called back and said, ‘No, no, this is for real,’ at which point I fainted. Then when I woke up, I called everyone I knew because it was the coolest thing I could ever get to do in my career.”

I have to praise Fox for understanding that only the insane mind of Morgan Spurlock could handle a Simpson's documentary with any level of success. The director of Super Size Me and Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden says the documentary will focus more on the cultural impact and on superfans more than the show itself. The film is currently titled The Simpson's 20th Anniversary Special in 3-D on Ice (though I'm sure 3-D and ice will be in short supply) and will air January 14th, 2010 on Fox.

Spurlock doesn't appear to shy away from questions about the project and has done several interviews during this week's Comic Con festival. One of the more interesting interviews is over at So head on over there for more info.