Friday, June 24, 2011

SIlverdocs... Day 3

Just when Silverdocs couldn't top itself with great film selections, Day 3 rolls around and we're left blown away. The films were so good we really couldn't pick a clear favorite for the day so we just decided to highlight the five films in a brief and enjoyable way.

Sound It Out - Ever want to know what a real life High Fidelity character looks/sounds/acts like? Well definitely check out this low budget but high quality documentary to get your local record shop fix.

At The Edge of Russia - It's like a coming of age story... but only if the coming of age story feels completely meaningless. Siberia may be the backdrop for this film, but the characters carry the beauty and humor audiences will love.

The Loving Story - Stories of love and political strife are blended beautifully together in this documentary. You'll leave feeling inspired about the change they caused, but it's the love story that will leave you all warm and fuzzy inside.

Jiro Dreams of Sushi - Some of the most beautiful footage seen all festival. Yes, you'll leave wanting Sushi, but you'll also love the characters- especially Jiro, who is both unrelenting and hard, but also warm and surprisingly hilarious.

The Black Power Mixtape - A well pieced montage of the African American struggle in the U.S. between 1967 and 1975. It's less about the facts and more about the viewpoint (specifically the Swedes who filmed the events) and it's a great piece of historical narrative most will enjoy.

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