Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Charges could be filed against documentary subjects

In a somewhat tragic turn of events, Police officials from Shelby, Ohio indicated they were considering pressing charges against the subjects of the documentary Heroin in the Heartland. The film aired on the Oprah Winfry Network last week and provided an in-depth look at drug use in the small Ohio community. The charges are a result of the film showing participants actually buying and using illegal drugs. Because of this, Shelby's police chief said he is recommending the county prosecutor press charges against those seen in the show. My personal opinion is it would be a shame to charge these people, not because what they did wasn't wrong (illegal is illegal) but because they clearly risked a great deal just getting on camera to tell their story. Documentary filmmakers need honesty from their subjects, and this would definitely cause people to think twice about letting filmmakers get close.

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