Monday, January 24, 2011

Oprah eyes documentaries

With all the news coming out of Sundance (distribution deals, James Franco wearing a wig, etc) I wanted to make sure everyone caught what Oprah Winfrey said at her OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) party Saturday night:

“It is my intention to do for documentaries what we have done for books.”

It seems her new network has been acquiring documentaries for a few months now and plans to release these as part of a regular series. Titled, the 'Own Documentary Film Club,' it will be run by none other than Rosie O'Donnell.

While I'm not a hundred percent sure if this is an amazing thing or just the documentary version of the Lifetime Channel, some big names have already signed on to the collaboration, including Forrest Whitaker and Barbara Kopple.

So what do you think? Oprah and documentaries, a match made in heaven for our fair genre? Or will there just be an influx of stories for middle aged women with no benefit to other doc lovers? Post your thoughts below!

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