Monday, October 26, 2009

PBS Revisits 'The Depression'

If there's one thing Americans don't want to hear more about is our current economic woes.  So PBS is respecting their wishes and instead is focusing on the economic depression of the 1930s with a five part documentary series appropriately titled The 1930s.

The interesting twist to the series is that four of the five films have aired before, but this is the first time they have been compiled into a single series.  Most people may find this lazy, but I actually think it's an interesting twist that allows PBS to turn individual films into a combined experience that should allow viewers to think about the Great Depression in different ways.  Perhaps even, remind them of issues they are facing today.

The series kicks off tonight at 9pm with The Crash of 1929, followed by the series' lone new film Civilian Conservation Corps on November 2.  Hoover Dam, Surviving the Dustbowl and Seabiscuit (the documentary, not the feature film) air the following Mondays.

Check out the article on USA Today's website for a more in depth summary, or head on over to PBS' American Experience website to get some better details.

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